Unfortunately, sometimes we lose teeth. However, we live in an age now where there are multiple options to replace lost teeth. It is important to consider replacement of missing teeth because beside the obvious aesthetic disadvantages, missing teeth can cause structural changes to your mouth and jaw, making it difficult to speak or chew properly.
Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth. Existing neighboring teeth are used as anchors, or abutments, for the bridge, which spans the area where your tooth is missing. Bridges can be made from gold, metal, metal alloys, porcelain, or composite to ensure that they are strong and durable.
The process of creating a bridge begins by recontouring your existing teeth
to create abutments, or anchors, to which the bridge will be attached. After the abutments have been prepared, a mold is taken of the area and sent to one of our artisan dental labs. Our phenomenal lab technicians use the mold to fabricate a bridge that looks exceptional, fits properly and feels as close to your natural teeth as possible.